Rap Music Guide

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Items 1 - 5 of 5
The Royal Family - Crown JewelzArtist: The Royal Family
Title: Crown Jewelz
Category: CD
Record Label: Royal Records
Year: 1998
City: New Orleans
State: Louisiana
Area Code: 504
Beastie Boys - Check Your HeadArtist: Beastie Boys
Title: Check Your Head
Category: CD
Record Label: Capitol Records, Grand Royal Records
Year: 1992
Release Type: 1st Press
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
Area Code: 718
Beastie Boys - Ill' CommunicationArtist: Beastie Boys
Title: Ill' Communication
Category: CD
Record Label: Capitol Records, Grand Royal Records
Year: 1994
Release Type: 1st Press
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
Area Code: 718
Beastie Boys - Some Old BullshitArtist: Beastie Boys
Title: Some Old Bullshit
Category: CD
Record Label: Capitol Records, Grand Royal Records
Year: 1994
Release Type: 1st Press
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
Area Code: 718
Beastie Boys - Hello NastyArtist: Beastie Boys
Title: Hello Nasty
Category: CD
Record Label: Capitol Records, Grand Royal Records
Year: 1998
Release Type: 1st Press
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
Area Code: 718
Items 1 - 5 of 5




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